Thursday May 24, 2012


Happy Aldersgate Day!

So, have you ever had a bad day?  (i feel like I’ve begun other posts this way)

We all have them, and yet sometimes God can use our bad days as times to bring about radical change or even conversion in us. Bad days may lay the ground work for a renewal that can do wondrous things in and through us. 

Today, May 24th, is the day that we United Methodists remember John Wesley’s conversion experience, or at least one of his many conversion experiences. John, a wonderful thought-filled and educated man, struggled with assurance of salvation. He entered into dialogue with the Moravians when he saw such an assurance of faith in them that they did not fear death when facing a storm at sea.  Yet, even after these conversations he struggled with not feeling at peace when he saw so many people, even those he ministered to feeling at peace with the salvation of Jesus Christ. Then he went to a Christian meeting on Aldersgate Street in London, (where the above statue resides presently) and wrote this in his personal journal after the experience:

In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while the leader was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.

 This heart warming moment seemed to bring about a powerful change in John, and seemed to give him a confidence about his faith and about God’s care that carried him forward and gave him faith when he had to make tough choices about the Methodist movement and it’s future. As we approach Pentecost (this Sunday), we also need to remember the heart warming moments of our lives, and pray that we will be moved to know God’s love and saving grace anew. We pray for the confidence of knowing God’s call and we pray God’s gifts and readiness for the task of ministry. Aldersgate gives us hope that God will continue to not only bring our bad days to hopeful ends, but that God would extend his grace forevermore. 

Prayer: Almighty God, send your Spirit upon us so that we would know your mighty presence and abundant care for our lives.  We thank you for the faith of John Wesley, and the way you brought him to a place of assurance on this day so long ago.  May we know the same assurance – that your love has given us forgiveness, and hope for a life with you. And may we not be content to feel this for ourselves only, but to continue to share your Good News so that others will come to know your grace as well. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen 

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